1300 039 229 info@autodose.com.au


To add a drug to a site/activate a drug for a site, navigate to “Drug Register” -> “Stock”

Tick the “Include Inactive” box and un-tick the “Show only Pharmacy Items” box.

Mstock Item List x Include Inactve Drag a column header here to group by that column Shovv only Pharmacy Items Status Active In Use Drug Description Norspan 5 microgram/hour patch, Norspan 10 microgram/hour patch, Norspan 20 microgram/hour patch, Temgesic 200 mcg (as hydrochloride) sublingual tablm NORSPAN biibienorphine 15 micrograms lh transderm Norspan 25 microgram /hour patch, Norspan 30 micrgram /hour patch, Norspan 40 microgram /hour patch, Temgesic 0.3mg/ ImL (RC) 5% glucose solution, 5 x Sandoz 5 microgram/hour patch, Sandoz 10 microgram/hour patch, Sandoz 15 microgram/hour patch, Item Name 5mg patch 10mg patch Suvenorphine 20mg patch Temgesic 200 mcg sublingual tablets 15 mg 25mg patch 30mg patch 3Äenorphine 40mg patch Temgesic O 3mg/mI injecton 5mg patch 3umenorphine 10mg patch 15mg patch Stock Unit Item Type Unit mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg / Unit pa tch pa tch pa tch tablet pa tch pa tch pa tch pa tch pa tch pa tch pa tch Pack Unit Unit 2 patch 2 patch 2 patch tablet 50 2 patch 2 patch 2 patch 2 patch 2 patch 2 patch 2 patch / Unit pack pack pack pack pack pack pack pack pack pack pack Reorde. Min Ord.. Max Qty Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register 5.00 10.00 20.00 0.20 15.00 25.00 30.00 40 00 0.30 5.00 10.00 15.00 Item Group Name Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register Drug Register PBS code 8867Q 10770w 107560 1075% 107%n 10770w Drug Name orph orph orphi orph orphi orph Ver sion 161 161 161 170 239 237 237 237 161 330 330 Supplier Mundipharma Pt. Mundipharma Pt. Mundpharma P t. Reck tt aenckser Mundipharma P t. Mundipharma Pt. Mundipharma Pt. Mundipharma Pt. Reck tt aenckser Sandoz Pty Ltd Sandoz Pty Ltd Sandoz Pty Ltd ARTG Id 139 116647 140 116648 141 116650 171 34091 258 217507 162 15394 303 269679 304 269677 Refresh Import Item Id 243025 243026 243027 582452 582457 582458 582459

Search the list for the drug you need to add. Double-click and set “Status” to “Active”, and “Used in this Pharmacy” to “In Use”.

If the drug is not there, ask the pharmacy for all details they have on the drug then click on “Add Item” in the top right. If they are a hosted database, ask to call them back once done. If not, you’ll need access to a machine on-site to make the changes.

Fill in the details of the drug, and make sure the drug is active.

Stock Items Details Additonal Details Drug Description : System Drug Description : Item Name : Item Group: Item Type : Stock unit: Pack Unit: Allon MultGroup: Status: used in this Pharmacy: Maximum Quantty: Reorder Level: Minimum Order Quantty: Drug Register Only: Supplier : ARTG Id: Comments : Item ID: Master Item ID : Suboxone Tablet O Actve In Use @ Yes [EditVaIue is null] v Item Group 2: [EditVaIue is null] v O Inactve • Not Used [EditVaIue is null] TGA drua details Cancel


Call the site and confirm that they can see the drug.

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